40 Colorful Facts About Lisa Frank You Don't Want To Miss

June 2024 · 1 minute read

Kids from the ’80s and ’90s are well-familiar with the name Lisa Frank. During this time, every child who had owned a collection of Lisa Frank stickers and stationery sets was considered to be the epitome of cool. The brand is synonymous with rainbows, teddy bears in tuxedos, and bikinis in bananas. Designs that were all over Trapper Keepers, pencil cases, pillows, and stickers. As the pop culture of the ’90s itself have had a resurgence in recent years, Lisa Frank’s designs have also undergone a boost in popularity. Take a look at Walmart’s bright, leopard-print sheets or Urban Outfitter’s kitten-covered coloring books which are both flying off the racks, and you will see what we mean.

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